
Everything made one think because of family tradition that Maria Alba would be a lawyer but at the last moment, when she already was a student at the University with top marks, by the way, she decided to follow the call of music and she went to Paris...


ma s 08clogopeque-04 Maria Alba Sala i Pelfort was born in Manresa, Barcelona, and everything indicated that she would undertake law studies, but being already a student at the University, even getting excellent marks, at the last moment she decided to follow the call of music... after obtaining the higher degree as Senior Piano Professor and as Senior Professor of Solfeggio, Music Theory, Transposition and Accompaniment at the Conservatori Superior de Mรบsica del Liceu de Barcelona, Maria Alba moves to Paris to work the piano with Eugen Indjic at the Schola Cantorum. There she also receives piano lessons by Marina Primachenko and attends the classes of Musical Analysis by Narcรญs Bonet. At the same time she enrols at the ร‰cole Normale de Musique, where she studies with Nina Patarcec and obtains the Diplรดme Superieur de Musique de Chambre.

logopeque-04 This occurs in parallel with her attendance to seminars and courses of piano, chamber music, computer music and pedagogy for professors of music schools and conservatories: in Barcelona with Violeta Hemsy de Gainza; in Pieลกtโ€™any, Slovakia, with Eugen Indjic and Mariรกn Lapลกanskรฝ and in The North London Piano School, where she had Michael Schreider as professor. In this course Maria Alba is selected for the master class, which provides John Lill at the Royal Academy of Music. Lill expressly congratulates her for her elegant interpretation in the gala concert at Duke's Hall of the Royal Academy of Music and Dance. The performers at this concert recorded in the Malda Vale 1-Studio I of the BBC. Following these concert and master class Maria Alba has the opportunity to work with John Lill for a while. She also travels to Germany where she attends a piano master course in the Weimars Hochschule fรผr Musik Franz Liszt with guest professor Paul Badura-Skoda.

ma s 04blogopeque-04 When she decides to dedicate to music professionally, she gets in front of the public in solo concerts in Catalonia and France. It should be noted the different performances with the Orquestra Simfรฒnica de Sant Cugat del Vallรจs, Barcelona, conducted by Josep Farrรฉ, playing the Edward Griegโ€™s concerto for piano and orchestra in A minor and Franz Lisztโ€™s concerto No. 1 in E flat major.

logopeque-04Having an active and enterprising personality, Maria Alba contacts other musicians to work in different musical ensembles: for a time with violinist Olivier Pehlivanian, whose concert at Chรขteau de Bossey, Switzerland, on the centenary year of the Armenian Church, is to be put in bold letters; with flutist Mikaรซle Bexon she plays at Salle Cortot in Paris; she also plays in different places of France as a member of the Ensemble ArcoNotes, as well as with the soprano Isabelle Laemmel, the flutist Jean-Marc Goujon and the violoncellist Laure le Monnier. With the Spanish actor Juan Reverte she works on a project of music and poetry. The result of this collaboration is a show that they premiered at Teatro Guerra in Lorca, Spain, which they continuously play in different Spanish places and theatres. They have recorded together the CDs Recitando por ahรญ and Mosaico poรฉtico from a trilogy dedicated to poets in Castilian language.

ma s 02a

logopeque-04Her interest in art led her to collaborate on various art forms such as the Zig-Zag Ateliers dโ€™artistes portes ouvertes in Gentilly, the festival on s'Bouge in Montrouge or, more recently, the opening of the exhibition by the Cameroon sculptor Malam at Alexandre III bridge in Paris, staged by Patrick Brunie. Maria Alba is currently teaching piano at the Conservatoire Municipal de Musique Gabriel Faurรฉ in Neuilly-sur-Marne.




To underline





Escuchar entrevista de Maria Alba en el programa "Punt de Trobada"

Entrevista Pou Manresa
Link to Pou de la Gallina

La Justice du Piano...ย Quant elle s'exprime sur son art, l'observateur nรฉophyte se dit que, notes aprรจs notes, la musique classique est naturellement belle, charmante, envoรปtante. Sentiment partagรฉ ร  l'รฉcoute de lยกenregistrement ยซ Classic & Romantic ยป dans laquelle elle joua au sein de l'orchestre symphonique Sant Cugat. Maria-Alba Sala Pelfort est soliste. Et une volontรฉ d'รชtre une grande professionnelle. En toute humilitรฉ et conviction...

you can continue the reading of this interview in the magazine Montbouge

a cute kitten




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Eugen Indjic

Narcรญs Bonet

Juan Reverte

Jean-Marc Goujon

Melsi Pelfort

Francesc Rubรญ

Guia Manresa

Dvalpha Solutions TIC

Div Traveler Comunicacion



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32 entries.
Zaid wrote on 24 May, 2010 at 3:51 pm
He visto te pagina y quiero darte las felicidades por ella es muy chula y te deseo buenas suerte en te vida . Un Saludo desde el desierto Zaid
MARIA MERCE PERARNAU VALLBE wrote on 29 July, 2009 at 3:50 pm
duvauchel wrote on 9 September, 2008 at 3:49 pm
Non seulement elle est belle, mais en plus, elle joue divinement bien et elle est adorable!!! et les รฉlรจves du conservatoire l'adorent et sa directrice aussi... Bisous bellissima!
Anna Tripiana wrote on 18 March, 2008 at 3:48 pm
Hola Alba, hem descobert que aquesta capseta mร gica ens aporta novetats...estร s MAGNรFICA! Santi i Anna
Gerard LAPORTE wrote on 31 January, 2008 at 3:45 pm
Trรจs heureux d'avoir fait votre connaissance au tรฉlรฉphone et de constater notre vision commune sur beaucoup de sujets. Bravo pour votre site web mรชme si la presentacio me pose des problรจmes d'affichage avec Firefox (navigateur internet "en catala" recommandรฉ dans les bressolas). Bonne chance dans votre vie. Amicalement. Gรฉrard
Sor Lucรญa wrote on 30 January, 2008 at 3:46 pm
Maria Alba: En el dรญa de tu santo, desde Manresa muy cerca de la Virgen del Alba, le damos gracias por tu vida y por todo lo que nos regala con tu mรบsica, con tu alegrรญa y con tu gran sensibilidad. Un abrazo y nuestra amistad
quico wrote on 30 January, 2008 at 3:44 pm
Mans d'angel,cor d'ocell. Petons
Marion et Sylvie wrote on 30 January, 2008 at 3:44 pm
Quel honneur avons-nous de t'avoir comme professeur. Trรจs beau site, superbes photos. Vivement Samedi !
Mar wrote on 30 January, 2008 at 3:43 pm
ยกAlba! Sรณlo tuve el honor de conocerte en un interminable viaje Parรญs-Barcelona, y si lo hubiera sabido, hubiera pedido que nos desalojaran del tren para poder verte tocar. Estoy segura de que trasmites en tu mรบsica esa vitalidad y alegrรญa que te caracteriza. Enhorabuena por la pรกgina web, ยกes genial! Un besazo, Mar.
Dominicas Manresa wrote on 30 January, 2008 at 3:42 pm
Marรญa Alba, celebramos tu calidad profesional y humana. Adelante que tienes un gran porvenir, desde Manresa seguimos tus pasos y nos alegramos de tus รฉxitos y proyectos. Grร cias por hacernos gustar de lo que es BUENO. Un abrazo Las monjas Dominicas de Manresa
Maria Alba Sala i Pelfort